Thursday, March 5, 2015

The final book cover design

Front and Back Cover


Book cover develops

I mentioned in an earlier post that I did not like the size or defintition of Atauro Island in this photo
So I took another photo on a different day in different light to try and catch Atauro Island at its best:
However I did not like the sky and cloud shapes in this photo..... hmmm..  lets take another photo.

Aghhh, a perfect sky highlights Atauro Island perfectly.

Now just to combine my beach scene with my island scene.

Immersing myself in the beauty of the beach

Some more sketches inspired by the ocean in my backyard...

playing with Timor beach scenery

 I had a lovely photo of some dugout canoes sitting on the beach with Atauro Island in the distance.
I really wanted the ocean to be more jewel coloured, and I wanted the Island larger and clearer
 Step 1 replace the dull ocean by combining these two photos.
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